Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Funny as Hell !

We have been taught to Love our Enemy !!

A prayer

In church, while reverently preparing for the service,
I heard a sweet little old lady sitting next to me in the pew, quietly whispering a prayer.

It was so sweet and sincere that I just had to share it with you.

She said,  

"Dear Lord, this has been a tough two or three  years ...
You have taken:
My favourite actor Patrick Swayze,
My favourite musician Michael Jackson,
My favourite salesman Billy Mays,
My favourite actress  Elizabeth Taylor,
My favourite singer Whitney Houston,
And, now, my favourite announcer Dick Clark.

I just wanted you to know that my favourite politician is

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Amen  !  "

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