Wednesday, June 19, 2013

When Stickers are Stuck Wrong !

A good message for the Gay right activists !! I tell ya - treat them right ! They are the same flesh and bone as you and I are.

Porn Movie for kids?

I knew this Elmo guy was not right !!

Winnie the Pooh - OK, I did not see it coming this soon when I mentioned Gay's to be treated equally !!

Attention all you Ass Holes !!!!! I will give a few free of charge to you !!

Well, I would be a happier person Today if you did, you wild thing !!

Yes, your ...................   So what ? Need Viagra ?

Ya - this is the opposite of Music to the Ear I guess !

The "yet to evolve" bloody Koreans in the north apparently are doing this - Fuck them all Kim Ill Ping Pong !

Naa - I still prefer some Android games !! No time to coo coo around someones fantasy land !

Lost for words on below - LOL !! New meaning to fucking a doughnut !

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