Monday, February 20, 2017

Woman on Fire - Hot !

You wont believe what i witnessed a few hours back.....

I was at the petrol station and I see 2 cops looking at this woman who was smoking whilst putting petrol in her car (derrr) ... wth! !!

Then i hear somebody screaming, I look & that woman's arm was on freaking fire..... She was waving her arm around and freaking out yelling ! 

Next thing I see the cops had her on the ground & were putting the fire out with an extinguisher.

Then they started to put hand cuffs on her & were about to put her in the police car.

I was like WTF..., and of course me being a nosy bugger, I went up to the cops and asked what they were arresting her for.....

because obviously her arm being on fire wasn't enough....the cop looked at me all cocky and said ..

'waving a firearm' .... gotcha.... hahahahahaha.

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